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  1. I commented out the function where the cookie is set. You could search for if (isset($GLOBALS['_OA']['invocationType']) && $GLOBALS['_OA']['invocationType'] == 'xmlrpc') { in files asyncspc.php cl.php lg.php Maybe you have to comment the function out in other files depending how you include your banner.
  2. Whats the problem with showing and hidding via CSS? .xxx { display: none} @media screen and (min-width: xxxpx) { .xxx { display: block} }
  3. Hello Tom, you have to show/hide the banner via css. With my patch only visible banner are initialised.
  4. Did you try my patch:
  5. You can make symlinks and change the file name the configuration. Regards
  6. My changes are not for responive tags but for showing responsive images and showing different zones at different breakpoints.
  7. Please make some noise ? I would like to get rid off my patch. Maybe you could leave a comment at the patch. With my patch about responsive images there are a bit more changes but until my patch is not added it is easier to add only the change I described here.
  8. First add a class to the image tag like this (e.g. Bootstrap) $imageTag = "$clickTag<img src='" . htmlspecialchars($imageUrl, ENT_QUOTES) . "' width='$width' height='$height' alt='$alt' title='$alt' class='img-fluid'$imgStatus />$clickTagEnd"; I changed this in the file asyncspc.php at line 3462 (folder 'delivery') but this depend on the method you are using. Then copy this file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/35aa0c7c0507be3f4a94b7a7501f6100a9884b85/www/delivery_dev/async.js and replace the file in the folder 'delivery'. You could minify it if you like.
  9. I commented out the code in the function MAX_cookieClientCookieSet in /www/delivery/cl.php /www/delivery/lg.php /www/delivery/asyncspc.php
  10. Did you took a look at the network tab of the browser development tools? Does something block this image?
  11. You can wait for the next version or include this patch: https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/commit/eb8fff6de4a47f1c32dbf4cd1bc6a2d5e6689f3b Attention: You need to copy the compiled files from https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/tree/master/www/delivery
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