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About adman

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. I did not set anything. all configs are default. did not config tls. at some point I expect to add it via letsencrypt cert installed to apache. I found the following in the install.php, uncommented it, re-ran. still nothing being logged to error.log in apache. still times out on infinite loop. anything else I should look at? maybe try a different OS and/or php version?? error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); ini_set('display_errors', 1);
  2. the plan is to use cockroachdb. i'm ok with doing mysql or pgsql. the docs look like I enter the db config during the run of install.php?? does the db config need to be in config file somewhere in advance?
  3. new install, ubuntu 20.04, fresh apache2, revive-adserver-5.0.5 php7.4 by default failed. down rev to php7.2 apache access log shows infinite loop: get "/ad/www/admin/index.php" get "/ad/www/admin/install.php" where is the trigger(file, env variable, etc) to show that adserver has gone through the install? any other suggestions?
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