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Posts posted by Gerd

  1. Hello

    I'm try trying to use MaxMind GeoIP2 Plugin in revive.
    So I'm created a key at Maxmind and enabled Geolocation.
    It is using GeoLite2-City.mmdb
    This worked fine for countrys and regions here in germany.
    Bus when enter a country/city and select Cityname it fails.
    I tested that with 3 Citys (Komma seperated as discribed on webpage and with only one City)
    withaout success.

    Did anyone use this, or get this working ?

    kind regards

  2. Hi,

    I have a 10 year old version of openx running at php4.

    I now want to  move system to new host  and migate the data to new version 5.5 of rivive with php7.4

    is that possible?  if i try the update procedure it fails at the moment. (reason  php version)

    Please advice how to wort this out.


  3. Hi 

    I'm trying to deliver 500 banner. I set that number when defining the campain. 

    After 10 minutes 500 banners are shown to the public but the campain does not stop, it still delivers more and more. 

    How can I terminate such a campain after the limit is reached ? 


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