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Everything posted by yashmeena

  1. Hello i am trying to add native ad format by modifying asyncspc.php My idea is...i have pulled all the ads linked to a zone and shorted them by the campaign type and by priorities but in some point of time i realize that fetching ads from $GLOBALS['_MAX']['considered_ads']['0'] is not a good choice as there will be no OABLOCK,OACAP cookies will be there for capping..? also found that (i may be wrong) $GLOBALS['_MAX'] is generated by MAX_adSelect function..? so far what i have done is but no luck in getting OABLOCK,OACAP cookies working for all the selected ads if (!empty($GLOBALS['_MAX']['considered_ads']['0']['xAds'])) { $xAds=$GLOBALS['_MAX']['considered_ads']['0']['xAds']; usort($xAds, function ($a, $b) {return $a['priority'] < $b['priority'];}); //print_r($xAds); $native_output_xAds=array(); foreach ($xAds as $id => $value) { // Total_Amount == $value['Total_Amount'] $ad_id=$value['ad_id']; //echo $ad_id; $aBanner=MAX_cacheGetAd($ad_id,true);// getting banner info from cache///check cache.php if (empty($aBanner)) { $aBanner=OA_Dal_Delivery_getAd($ad_id);// getting banner info from db///check delevery.php } $outputbuffer=MAX_adRender($aBanner, $zoneid); //print_r($outputbuffer); //print_r($aBanner); $output = array( 'html' => $outputbuffer, 'bannerid' => $aBanner['ad_id'], 'contenttype' => $aBanner['contenttype'], 'alt' => $aBanner['alt'], 'width' => $aBanner['width'], 'height' => $aBanner['height'], 'url' => $aBanner['url'], 'campaignid' => $aBanner['placement_id'], 'clickUrl' => $aBanner['clickUrl'], 'logUrl' => $aBanner['logUrl'], 'aSearch' => $aBanner['aSearch'], 'aReplace' => $aBanner['aReplace'], 'bannerContent' => $aBanner['bannerContent'], 'clickwindow' => $aBanner['clickwindow'], 'aRow' => $aBanner, 'context' => _adSelectBuildContext($aBanner, $context), 'iframeFriendly' => (bool)$aBanner['iframe_friendly'], ); // If ad-logging is disabled, the log beacon won't be sent, so set the capping at request if (MAX_Delivery_cookie_cappingOnRequest()) { if ($aBanner['block_ad'] > 0 || $aBanner['cap_ad'] > 0 ||$aBanner['session_cap_ad'] > 0) { MAX_Delivery_cookie_setCapping('Ad', $aBanner['ad_id'], $aBanner['block_ad'], $aBanner['cap_ad'], $aBanner['session_cap_ad']); } if ($aBanner['block_campaign'] > 0 || $aBanner['cap_campaign'] > 0 || $aBanner['session_cap_campaign'] > 0) { MAX_Delivery_cookie_setCapping('Campaign', $aBanner['placement_id'], $aBanner['block_campaign'], $aBanner['cap_campaign'], $aBanner['session_cap_campaign']); } // Store the last view action event om the cookie as well (if required) MAX_Delivery_log_setLastAction(0, array($aBanner['ad_id']), array($zoneId), array($aBanner['viewwindow'])); } //print_r($output); $native_output_xAds[] = array( 'html' => $output['html'], 'width' => isset($output['width']) ? $output['width'] : 0, 'height' => isset($output['height']) ? $output['height'] : 0, 'iframeFriendly' => isset($output['iframeFriendly']) ? $output['iframeFriendly'] : false, ); if (!empty($block) && !empty($output['ad_id'])) { $output['context'][] = array('!=' => 'bannerid:' . $output['ad_id']); } if (!empty($blockcampaign) && !empty($output['campaignid'])) { $output['context'][] = array('!=' => 'campaignid:' . $output['campaignid']); } if (!empty($output['context'])) { foreach ($output['context'] as $id => $contextArray) { if (!in_array($contextArray, $context)) { $context[] = $contextArray;}}} } } i have placed above code after echo json_encode($spc_output); ...above code is for override campaign... can any body tell me what i am doing wrong or what should i do to get it working in proper way..?
  2. Here i am concerned about future implementation of revive ad server when there will be no third party cookies.. is there any solution on which team is working or its left on the faith of digital advertising...?
  3. Hello is this a bug..? when i try to use direct selection mode there is no record for zone id in log url..? similar asks...!
  4. Error: cannot load the PEAR XML_RPC class any help..? I will be your patreon supporter If you start to understand what are you trying to do..?
  5. i will support you on patreon $10000 if you can explain me how delivery engine shows ads using Asynchronous JS Tag how it decides what adid should be served or is there any why to override and display chosen adid MAKE A COMPLETE DOC ON HOW YOUR ADVERSER WORKS FROM DELIVERY TO LOGGING TO API
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