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Posts posted by Dmitry

  1. Andrew,

    I tried to reinstall it, but using MySQL 5.7.x instead of 8.x and got further this time, but not quite just yet...

    > Your Revive Adserver installation is complete. Please check the highlighted issues.
    > An error occurred when performing installation tasks. Please check the error list and install log at \'/var/www/html/revive-adserver-4.2.1/var/install.log\' for details. You will still be able to login to your Revive Adserver instance.

    # cat ./var/install.log
    Installation started 2019-09-20 20:19:34
    Attempting to connect to database ra with user root
    Database created ra
    Connected to database ra
    Database settings and permissions are OK
    creating upgrade_action audit table
    successfully created upgrade_action audit table
    creating database_action audit table
    successfully created database_action audit table
    schema definition from cache TRUE
    Installation created the core tables
    Installation updated the schema version to 623
    Installation updated the application version to 4.2.1
    Preparing to set timezone preference...
    Found timezone preference ID of 16
    Found the admin account's timezone association, updating preference...
    Updated the admin account timezone preference to: 'UTC'


  2. On 6/29/2019 at 5:56 AM, andrewatfornax said:

    Hi @Dmitry,

    Ah, all the messages about unable to do things made me think that the most common cause of this is that the user that you're connecting as doesn't have sufficient permissions. It would be worth trying with the root database account, just to be sure.

    Potentially, it's treating the connection as not from "localhost" for example.

    Otherwise, it might be an issue with strict mode being enabled in the database?

    As I stated in my earlier posts, user has sufficient privileges for specific database, I also did try with root with same results(

    regards to strict mode: I'm using mysql database out of the box (w/ default values):

    mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'sql_mode'\G;
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
    Variable_name: sql_mode
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    No query specified

    I also tried to remove "STRICT_TRANS_TABLES", yet still no luck(

  3. 20 hours ago, andrewatfornax said:

    The issue is that the user you are using to connect to the database with does not have all of the required permissions to create the database and tables...

    See your database documentation for details on how to do that!

    may I ask what made you think that? and/or which database  documentation are you referring too? I followed https://www.revive-adserver.com/support/installation/ (part 3)

    # mysql -p
    Enter password:
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 100
    Server version: 8.0.13 Source distribution
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
    mysql> CREATE USER 'revive_adserver'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)
    mysql> GRANT ALL ON revive_adserver_3.* TO 'revive_adserver'@'localhost';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
    mysql> USE mysql;
    Reading table information for completion of table and column names
    You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
    Database changed
    mysql> SELECT * FROM user WHERE User='revive_adserver'\G;
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
                        Host: localhost
                        User: revive_adserver
                 Select_priv: N
                 Insert_priv: N
                 Update_priv: N
                 Delete_priv: N
                 Create_priv: N
                   Drop_priv: N
                 Reload_priv: N
               Shutdown_priv: N
                Process_priv: N
                   File_priv: N
                  Grant_priv: N
             References_priv: N
                  Index_priv: N
                  Alter_priv: N
                Show_db_priv: N
                  Super_priv: N
       Create_tmp_table_priv: N
            Lock_tables_priv: N
                Execute_priv: N
             Repl_slave_priv: N
            Repl_client_priv: N
            Create_view_priv: N
              Show_view_priv: N
         Create_routine_priv: N
          Alter_routine_priv: N
            Create_user_priv: N
                  Event_priv: N
                Trigger_priv: N
      Create_tablespace_priv: N
               max_questions: 0
                 max_updates: 0
             max_connections: 0
        max_user_connections: 0
                      plugin: mysql_native_password
       authentication_string: XXX
            password_expired: N
       password_last_changed: 2019-06-17 17:21:40
           password_lifetime: NULL
              account_locked: N
            Create_role_priv: N
              Drop_role_priv: N
      Password_reuse_history: NULL
         Password_reuse_time: NULL
    Password_require_current: NULL
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    No query specified
    mysql> SELECT * FROM db WHERE User='revive_adserver'\G;
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
                     Host: localhost
                       Db: revive_adserver_3
                     User: revive_adserver
              Select_priv: Y
              Insert_priv: Y
              Update_priv: Y
              Delete_priv: Y
              Create_priv: Y
                Drop_priv: Y
               Grant_priv: N
          References_priv: Y
               Index_priv: Y
               Alter_priv: Y
    Create_tmp_table_priv: Y
         Lock_tables_priv: Y
         Create_view_priv: Y
           Show_view_priv: Y
      Create_routine_priv: Y
       Alter_routine_priv: Y
             Execute_priv: Y
               Event_priv: Y
             Trigger_priv: Y
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    No query specified
    mysql> CREATE DATABASE revive_adserver_3;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
    mysql> ^DBye

    even though following message appears:

    Installation failed to create the core tables

    database IS created along with few tables:

    # mysql -p
    Enter password:
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 103
    Server version: 8.0.13 Source distribution
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
    mysql> USE revive_adserver_3;
    Reading table information for completion of table and column names
    You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
    Database changed
    mysql> SHOW TABLES;
    | Tables_in_revive_adserver_3 |
    | rv_database_action          |
    | rv_upgrade_action           |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> ^DBye


  4. Hello World!

    I'm trying to follow Installation of Revive Adserver, yet running into following error:

    Installation failed to create the core tables


    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_account_preference_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table account_preference_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_account_user_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table account_user_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_account_user_permission_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table account_user_permission_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_accounts
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table accounts
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_acls
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table acls
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_acls_channel
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table acls_channel
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_ad_category_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table ad_category_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_ad_zone_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table ad_zone_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_affiliates
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table affiliates
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_affiliates_extra
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table affiliates_extra
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_agency
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table agency
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_application_variable
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table application_variable
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_audit
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table audit
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_banners
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table banners
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_campaigns
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table campaigns
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_campaigns_trackers
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table campaigns_trackers
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_category
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table category
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_channel
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table channel
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_clients
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table clients
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_data_intermediate_ad
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table data_intermediate_ad
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_data_intermediate_ad_connection
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table data_intermediate_ad_connection
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_data_intermediate_ad_variable_value
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table data_intermediate_ad_variable_value
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_data_raw_ad_click
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table data_raw_ad_click
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_data_raw_ad_impression
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table data_raw_ad_impression
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_data_raw_ad_request
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table data_raw_ad_request
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_data_raw_tracker_impression
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table data_raw_tracker_impression
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_data_raw_tracker_variable_value
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table data_raw_tracker_variable_value
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_data_summary_ad_hourly
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table data_summary_ad_hourly
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_data_summary_ad_zone_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table data_summary_ad_zone_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_data_summary_channel_daily
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table data_summary_channel_daily
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_data_summary_zone_impression_history
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table data_summary_zone_impression_history
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_images
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table images
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_log_maintenance_forecasting
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table log_maintenance_forecasting
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_log_maintenance_priority
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table log_maintenance_priority
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_log_maintenance_statistics
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table log_maintenance_statistics
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_password_recovery
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table password_recovery
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_placement_zone_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table placement_zone_assoc
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_preferences
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table preferences
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_session
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table session
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_targetstats
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table targetstats
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_tracker_append
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table tracker_append
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_trackers
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table trackers
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_userlog
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table userlog
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_users
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table users
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_variable_publisher
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table variable_publisher
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_variables
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table variables
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop table rv_zones
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to drop the table zones
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  Unable to create the table application_variable
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [    error]  _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement]
    [Last executed query: CREATE TABLE `rv_application_variable` (`name` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `value` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (name)) ENGINE = MYISAM]
    [Native code: 1071]
    [Native message: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes]
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [  warning]  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
    Jun 11 16:50:43 +0000 OX-5cffdbe30efaf [  warning]  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

    I also tried to follow https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/issues/740#issuecomment-407480288 , without any luck(

    Please advise.

    Thank you in advance.

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