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About hometalesdev

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  1. HI, can you help me? many thanks in advance and if you need more info let me know. i unpacked the zip files local and upload to revive server via FTP. I use Apache/2.4.34 (Ubuntu 18) , Mysql Serverversie: 5.7.25-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 - (Ubuntu)"> I tried installing the new version 4.2.0 as clean install but i get the following error during step "1 welcome": - The zip extension must be loaded - Your current PHP configuration does not meet requirements of Revive Adserver. To resolve the problems, please modify settings in your 'php.ini' file. But only these errors while rest of list is on green (all green check mark) see below: Check name Current value timezone UTC php version 7.3.4-1+ubuntu18.10.1+deb.sury.org+3 memory_limit 128 MB safe_mode OFF magic_quotes_runtime OFF file_uploads ON timeout OFF register_argc_argv OFF pcre LOADED xml LOADED zlib LOADED spl LOADED mbstring.func_overload OK mysql NOT LOADED mysqli LOADED pgsql NOT LOADED
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