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Matteo Beccati

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Everything posted by Matteo Beccati

  1. Given to the advertiser, how? The advertiser is not involved in the ad serving process after sending the tags. Only the user and their browser are.
  2. I believe "retriggering" async would be a perfect feature request over on our github ;)
  3. Hi, we basically went with whatever Google Adsense seemed to be using. Ads were supposed to be wrapped whithin an iframe, so the whole point is moot. We then decided to also allow ads without an iframe and I think that's where the problem comes from. However, I believe the problem can be easily solved. Could you please create an issue on github, referencing this forum thread?
  4. Yes, what I meant is that by default async tags will create friendly iframes inside the <ins> tags and display the banner + prepend/append inside them, for maximum compatibility with 3rd party tags.
  5. Hi, the prepend/append html by default will be disaplyed inside the iframe generated in order to contain the ad.
  6. @andrewatfornax I believe the original poster just put OA_show(2); multiple times on the same page...
  7. @ianwalberg You can donwload the non-minified code here: https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/blob/master/www/delivery_dev/async.js The snippet you refer to is meant to avoid running the async initialization more than once for each Revive instance.
  8. Thanks to @Erik Geurts who pointed me to this thread and this issue as well, I've been able to verify and fix the bug. The fix will apper in the next Revive Adserver release. Thanks for your report.
  9. An addional delay has been recently introduced to discourage brute force attacks, but that shouldn't affect proper login attempts. Such delay kicks in when there are multiple concurrent login attemps.
  10. Hey @Scott Switzer, I'm afraid there is no free plugin code I can share using addUrlParams, and all the plugin docuementation that was written in the past on Confluence was lost when the "Source" product was decommissioned. You can however find a few quality plugins here that you could use as a guideline.
  11. Hey @Scott Switzer! Welcome to our forums, mate :) I believe the feature is interesting, but I think a plugin might better serve the community, as the feature itself will probably be useful only to a small percentage of the user base. I think you are onto something with the plugin, and you might just need to swap {foo} for the actual $_REQUEST['foo'] value. I'll have a look at the PR, but if we can get the plugin working, it would be even better IMHO.
  12. I don't, but using the library above, it should be fairly straightforward to create a BannerInfo object and passing it to the addBanner() method.
  13. https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/blob/master/lib/xmlrpc/php/openx-api-v2-xmlrpc.inc.php it also requires PEAR to be in the include path, so you'll need something like: set_include_path('.;path/to/lib/pear');
  14. @Awais Qarni it's not very clear what's the payload you are sending to the api or what you're using to call it. My guess is that you are not using the bundled php client and forgot to use a base64 xml-rpc type for the binary data and are sending a plain base64 encoded string instead.
  15. I guess you could use some javascript in your HTML banner to convert upper to lowercase.
  16. The wildcard is "*". Zones do not have keyword support. You just link the banners / campaigns.
  17. Sorry, the feature is not going to be added back as direct selection is expected to be phased out. Btw, what version are you running? Also, did you know that you can use * x * as zone size and link any image banner?
  18. Thanks for your report. The issue has been fixed now.
  19. @frEEK Could you please provide a small test page that shows the issue? Despite multiple tries we haven't been able to replicate the issue.
  20. See the replies here. Most likely it's mod_security getting in the way.
  21. Most likely there has been a problem with the upgrade of the plugins. Please double check they are ok.
  22. I am using FF and have no troubles. Maybe some extension getting in the way?
  23. The forum software has been upgraded. There's still some work to do on the graphics side, but I would expect that everything else is in working condition...
  24. My suggestion: drop 5.3 and xcache and use something that's maintained, like 5.6 + opcache. Most of the times similar errors happen due to cache corruption.
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