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About matteo.rossi

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  1. No error reported.. just the screen pasted above. It's something about Banner Delivery Logging Plugin (version 1.1.2). Is it compatible with AdServer version 4.1.4? - - - @Ian vM Some extract of install log (where upgrade crashes during plugin check / migration) Starting file-check for plugins... Plugin: openXBannerTypes - Unable to locate XML files Plugin: openXDeliveryLimitations - Unable to locate XML files Plugin: openX3rdPartyServers - Unable to locate XML files Plugin: openXReports - Unable to locate XML files Plugin: openXDeliveryCacheStore - Unable to locate XML files Plugin: openXMaxMindGeoIP - Unable to locate XML files Plugin: openXInvocationTags - Unable to locate XML files Plugin: openXDeliveryLog - Unable to locate XML files Plugin: openXVideoAds - Unable to locate XML files Finished file-check for plugins Starting file-check for plugins... Finished file-check for plugins #! openXBannerTypes(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at #! openXBannerTypes(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at #! openXDeliveryLimitations(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at #! openXDeliveryLimitations(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at #! openXDeliveryLimitations(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at #! openXDeliveryLimitations(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at #! openX3rdPartyServers(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at #! openXMaxMindGeoIP(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at #! openXInvocationTags(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at
  2. Hi @Ian vM, during the final step (plugin setup) the install exit and the page displays: MAX_Dal_Delivery_Include(); function Plugin_deliveryLog_oxLogConversion_logConversion_Delivery_logConversion($trackerId, $serverRawIp, $aConversion, $okToLog = true) { if (!$okToLog) { return false; } $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $table_prefix = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['table']['prefix']; $results=OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc(OA_Dal_Delivery_query("select c.clientid,c.revenue_type,c.revenue,cl.dj_payment_method,p.deposit_amount from ".$table_prefix."campaigns as c,".$table_prefix."banners as b,".$table_prefix."clients as cl,dj_payment_details as p where b.campaignid=c.campaignid and cl.clientid=c.clientid and p.client_id = cl.clientid and b.bannerid='".$aConversion['cid']."'")); $method = $results['dj_payment_method']; $id = $results['clientid']; $type = $results['revenue_type']; $amt = $results['revenue']; $damt = $results['deposit_amount']; $tracker_parameter=$aConversion['cid'].'_'. $aConversion['zid']; $request_id=(!empty($_REQUEST['request_id']))?$_REQUEST['request_id']:$_COOKIE['OXLCR'][$tracker_parameter]; if($method == 1 && $type == 3) { $win_bid = $amt; $balance = $damt - $amt; OA_Dal_Delivery_query("update dj_payment_details set deposit_amount='".$balance."' where client_id='".$id."'"); } $select_revenue_type = OA_Dal_Delivery_query("SELECT revenue,revenue_type FROM ".OX_escapeIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'].$aConf['table']['campaigns'])." AS c, ".OX_escapeIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'].$aConf['table']['banners'])." AS b WHERE b.bannerid='".$aConversion['cid']."' AND c.campaignid=b.campaignid"); $fetch_revenue_type = OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc($select_revenue_type); if($fetch_revenue_type['revenue_type']==3) { $win_bid = $fetch_revenue_type['revenue']; } if(!empty($win_bid)) { $select = OA_Dal_Delivery_query("select a.publishershare,a.affiliateid from {$aConf['table']['prefix']}affiliates as a ,{$aConf['table']['prefix']}zones as z where z.zoneid='".$aConversion['zid']."' AND a.affiliateid=z.affiliateid ") or die("Error1"); $row = OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc($select); $publishershare = $row['publishershare']; if(empty($row['publishershare'])) { $defaultShare = OA_Dal_Delivery_query("select pubshare from {$aConf['table']['prefix']}dj_admin_configuration"); if(OA_Dal_Delivery_numRows($defaultShare) > 0) { $rowShare =OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc($defaultShare); $publishershare = $rowShare['pubshare']; } } $pub_share=$win_bid*($publishershare/100); } else { $pub_share=""; } OA_Dal_Delivery_connect('rawDatabase'); $table = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['table']['prefix'] . 'data_bkt_a'; if (empty($GLOBALS['_MAX']['NOW'])) { $GLOBALS['_MAX']['NOW'] = time(); } $time = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['NOW']; $aValues = array( 'server_ip' => $serverRawIp, 'tracker_id' => (int)$trackerId, 'date_time' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time), 'action_date_time' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $aConversion['dt']), 'creative_id' => (int)$aConversion['cid'], 'zone_id' => (int)$aConversion['zid'], 'ip_address' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'dj_request_id' => $request_id, 'dj_win_bid' => $win_bid, 'cost' => $pub_share, 'action' => $aConversion['action_type'], 'window' => $aConversion['window'], 'status' => $aConversion['status'] ); $aFields = array_map('OX_escapeIdentifier', array_keys($aValues)); $aValues = array_map('OX_escapeString', $aValues); $query = " INSERT INTO {$table} (" . implode(', ', $aFields) . ") VALUES ('" . implode("', '", $aValues) . "') "; $result = OA_Dal_Delivery_query($query, 'rawDatabase'); if (!$result) { return false; } $aResult = array( 'server_conv_id' => OA_Dal_Delivery_insertId('rawDatabase', $table, 'server_conv_id'), 'server_raw_ip' => $serverRawIp ); return $aResult; } ?> MAX_Dal_Delivery_Include(); function Plugin_deliveryLog_oxLogConversion_logConversionVariable_Delivery_logConversionVariable($aVariables, $trackerId, $serverConvId, $serverRawIp, $okToLog=true) { if (!$okToLog) { return false; } OA_Dal_Delivery_connect('rawDatabase'); $table = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['table']['prefix'] . 'data_bkt_a_var'; if (empty($GLOBALS['_MAX']['NOW'])) { $GLOBALS['_MAX']['NOW'] = time(); } $time = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['NOW']; $aRows = array(); foreach ($aVariables as $aVariable) { $aRows[] = "( '".OX_escapeString($serverConvId)."', '".OX_escapeString($serverRawIp)."', '{$aVariable['variable_id']}', '".OX_escapeString($aVariable['value'])."', '".gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time)."' )"; } if (empty($aRows)) { return; } $query = " INSERT INTO {$table} ( server_conv_id, server_ip, tracker_variable_id, value, date_time ) VALUES " . implode(',', $aRows); return OA_Dal_Delivery_query($query, 'rawDatabase'); } function Plugin_deliveryLog_OxLogImpression_LogImpression_Delivery_logImpression($adId = 0, $zoneId = 0, $okToLog = true) { $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $aData = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['deliveryData']; if (!$okToLog) { return false; } $table_prefix = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['table']['prefix']; $results=OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc(OA_Dal_Delivery_query("select c.clientid,c.revenue_type,c.revenue,cl.dj_payment_method,p.deposit_amount from ".$table_prefix."campaigns as c,".$table_prefix."banners as b,".$table_prefix."clients as cl,dj_payment_details as p where b.campaignid=c.campaignid and cl.clientid=c.clientid and p.client_id = cl.clientid and b.bannerid=$adId")); $method = $results['dj_payment_method']; $id = $results['clientid']; $type = $results['revenue_type']; $amt = $results['revenue']; $damt = $results['deposit_amount']; if($type == 1) { $amount = $amt/1000; $win_bid = $amount; } else { $amount = $amt; } if($method == 1 && $type == 1) { $balance = $damt - $amount; OA_Dal_Delivery_query("update dj_payment_details set deposit_amount='".$balance."' where client_id='".$id."'"); } if(!empty($_REQUEST['request_id'])) { $request_id = $_REQUEST['request_id']; } else if(!empty($_SESSION)) { $request_id = $_SESSION['request_id']; } $select_revenue_type = OA_Dal_Delivery_query("SELECT revenue,revenue_type,c.exchange_id FROM ".OX_escapeIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'].$aConf['table']['campaigns'])." AS c, ".OX_escapeIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'].$aConf['table']['banners'])." AS b WHERE b.bannerid='$adId' AND c.campaignid=b.campaignid"); $fetch_revenue_type = OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc($select_revenue_type); if($fetch_revenue_type['exchange_id']>0) { $*&#$_auction=OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc(OA_Dal_Delivery_query("SELECT auction_type FROM {$aConf['table']['prefix']}dj_ad_exchange where exchange_id='".$fetch_revenue_type['exchange_id']."'")); $*&#$_data=explode('|',$_REQUEST['highest_bids']); if($*&#$_auction['auction_type']==1) { $win_bid =$*&#$_data[0]; } else { if(!empty($*&#$_data[1])){ $temp_data=$*&#$_data[1]+0.01;}else{$temp_data=$*&#$_data[0];} $win_bid =$temp_data; } $win_bid=$win_bid/1000; } else { if($fetch_revenue_type['revenue_type']=='1') { $win_bid = $fetch_revenue_type['revenue']/1000; } } if(!empty($win_bid)) { $select = OA_Dal_Delivery_query("select a.publishershare,a.affiliateid from {$aConf['table']['prefix']}affiliates as a ,{$aConf['table']['prefix']}zones as z where z.zoneid='".$aData['zone_id']."' AND a.affiliateid=z.affiliateid ") or die("Error1"); $row = OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc($select); $publishershare = $row['publishershare']; if(empty($row['publishershare'])) { $defaultShare = OA_Dal_Delivery_query("select pubshare from {$aConf['table']['prefix']}dj_admin_configuration"); if(OA_Dal_Delivery_numRows($defaultShare) > 0) { $rowShare =OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc($defaultShare); $publishershare = $rowShare['pubshare']; } } $pub_share=$win_bid*($publishershare/100); } else { $pub_share=""; } $aQuery = array( 'interval_start' => $aData['interval_start'], 'creative_id' => (int)$aData['creative_id'], 'zone_id' => (int)$aData['zone_id'], 'dj_request_id' => $request_id, 'dj_win_bid' => $win_bid, 'cost' => $pub_share ); return OX_bucket_updateTable('data_bkt_m', $aQuery); } function Plugin_deliveryLog_oxLogRequest_logRequest_Delivery_logRequest($adId = 0, $zoneId = 0, $aAd = array(), $okToLog = true) { $request_id = $_SESSION['request_id']; if (!$okToLog) { return false; } $aData = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['deliveryData']; $aQuery = array( 'interval_start' => $aData['interval_start'], 'creative_id' => (int)$aData['creative_id'], 'zone_id' => (int)$aData['zone_id'], 'dj_request_id' => $request_id ); return OX_bucket_updateTable('data_bkt_r', $aQuery); } ?>
  3. Hi everyone, I'm trying to upgrade Revive AdServer and I'm stuck due to rv_dj_track_ad_requests and rv_dj_track_ad_responses, that are respectively 25GiB and 6Gib.. Is there a feature to remove data older than specific date? Isn't there an automatic purge routine? And is it safe to remove those data? Thanks for the support
  4. Hi everyone, is there a guide to upgrade from 4.0.0 to 4.1.4? Some breaking changes / upgrade advices?
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