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Everything posted by zhuowang

  1. Can the android side load the source code?Take the following code: <!-- Revive Adserver Asynchronous JS Tag - Generated with Revive Adserver v4.1.4 --> <ins data-revive-zoneid="7" data-revive-id="8a812a2b34cf4a724bda2fa2668dcdb4"></ins> <script async src="//"></script>
  2. Hi, I introduced video as you said, but the page cannot play normally again. Why?Here's my introduction code: < video width = "320" height = "240" controls > < source src= " = bannerTypeHtml: vastInlineBannerTypeHtml: vastInlineHtml&format = vast&nz = 1 & zones = pre - roll % 3 d13 "type =" video/mp4 "> < video > My domain is IP address, because it is being tested, and no official domain has been added yet. My zone-id is 13, and everything is done according to the documentation, but it still cannot be played and displayed.
  3. I have a requirement that the added material should be implemented with an interface when generating the code at the end. How can we implement this interface function?thanks!
  4. I have a requirement that the added material should be implemented with an interface when generating the code at the end. How can we implement this interface function?thanks!
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