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About oldgarfield

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. Hi guys, I'm new to this, started my own local-hosted revive adserver today for testing purposes. In my previous company we were provided a customized openX interface. Since mostly I need to do is click and impressions tracking I though I could set up a self hosted revive Adserver. Now im stuck. For external campaigns I used to create a simple click tracker. E.g. I provided Partner A with 3 Sets, consisting of 3 images and 3 click tracker / redirect URLs. Images were sent directly and click tracker / redirect URL was created in the adserver. (Sent as text in with the images) Important is that they should not rotate. It was always the specific click tracker / redirect URL for the corresponding banner. How can I create such a simple clicktracker in Revive ? (It is not a "Text Banner") I don't use the ad type , because I simply would need the redirect/clicktracker to make the adserver count the clicks. Additionally, how can I create multiple redirects at once ? I used to create multiple "Banner Names" e.g.: Banner 1 Target URL: www.destination1.com Banner 2 Target URL: www.destination2.com Banner 3 Target URL: www.destination3.com And the result was Banner 1 Redirect URL 1 Banner 2 Redirect URL 2 Banner 3 Redirect URL 3 Then I would go and use these redirect URLs to track the 3 different Sets. I could no find a way to create these redirects /invocations codes for multiple banners at once and directly on banner level, not the zone one, no rotating desired. Thanks a lot for your help! André P.S. Yes I found the plugins in /etc/ and they are installed.
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