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Everything posted by TomC

  1. The last two replacement banners I have uploaded for a client were not showing on my website. After checking all the zones were correct, etc. I decided to re-upload the banners, when I noticed that having pressed 'Save' on the new banner upload, the banner image did not appear at the top of the banner page in Revive and against the 'browse' button it said "No banner selected". I checked the banners for other existing clients, uploaded at various times over the past months and all are OK. Having checked, the new banners were not uploaded into the www/images directory (which has correct permission), so I do not know why, but Revive is no longer uploading banners, so I cannot update or launch new campaigns. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I have a banner position shared equally by 3 advertisers in rotation. Only one wants geo-targeting, so I have applied it only to their banner. If it is their turn to be displayed in the rotation, but the visitor is not in a targeted country, what happens? Does the software simply skip to the next non-geotargeted banner in the rotation, and display that to the visitor? So in effect the targeted banner advertiser has 'lost' an impression? If that's the case and the non-geotargeted banners enjoy more impressions because they are shown every time it is their turn, then I guess I will have to adjust the banner weights to compensate and even them all up again?
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