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Everything posted by huanxing.wu

  1. Hi @andrewatfornax Could you kindly help this ?
  2. hi there, I would like to delivery a pre-roll ad , code to get vast xml : http://localhost/revive/www/delivery/fc.php?script=bannerTypeHtml:vastInlineBannerTypeHtml:vastInlineHtml&format=vast&nz=1&zones=pre-roll%3D4 but got empty VAST xml: <VideoAdServingTemplate xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="vast.xsd"> <!-- You are requesting vast xml for zone which does not apear to be a video overlay banner nor a vast inline banner. --> </VideoAdServingTemplate> my zone type is inline video and zone id is 4, and setting the file cache time to 0. so why I always got empty xml ???? Thanks,
  3. Hi threre, I'v create inline video zone and link it to a video banner, and then I follow this doc (https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Invocation+code:+Zone+level#Invocationcode:Zonelevel-Video) and generate my this code : http://localhost/revive-adserver/www/delivery/fc.php?script=bannerTypeHtml:vastInlineBannerTypeHtml:vastInlineHtml&format=vast&nz=1&zones=pre-roll%3D4 question: 1. how to use the code to add a pre-roll ad to a html5 video player? 2. if html5 video not work/support, then which type of video player should I use? 3. to use the code above, is there any plugin should be installed on my revive server ? Thanks
  4. Hi , I already setup a image banner zone on revive server and wanted to generate its invocation Tag of type 'XML-RPC Tag', but unfortunately, it show only js/ local mode / iframe. question : how can I get the XML-RPC Tag out ? Thanks
  5. Hi @andrewatfornax Thanks for your answers & recommendations. I would like to know more about the revive plugin mechanism. My requirement is still to serve Ad to mobile app through API. to implement this: 1. could u help showing me the draft data flow (who at where call which revive api/component )? 2. what's the use-case of XML-RPC? it should be call on Native app or plugin? is xmlrpc viable on my situation? 3. I found that the revive plugin docs is rather limit on internet, except this one https://github.com/rhapsodyv/revive-plugins-doc/tree/master , I wonder if there are some where place I can learn more about revive plugin/component ? Thanks in advance
  6. Hi @andrewatfornax Thanks for tips. 1. the revive invocation types are all HTML based(js/iframe), seems not meet my requirement. 2. can you give more info about the XML-RPC API ( the reference docs link. e.g.)? 3. can u suggest some commercial plugins for me ? 4. finally, if I build an API plugin for app to get the banners from revieve server , I don't know how to render them on Native app , should I call the native app sdk ?that's not what I wanted. I need a common way to fetch banners from revive and render on different types of native app.
  7. Hi there, I have a requirement to serve Ad on native mobile Apps(NOT mobile website, so js tag not work), so how can I do that with Revive ? Should i build a revive Plugin to provide APIs for Apps to invoke?
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