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About huanxing.wu

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  1. hi @andrewatfornax Thanks for asking. I got blank page after changing the conf file . but it come back to work 5 minutes later ..... not sure why...
  2. Hi there, I've just install the revive adserver on my localhost, now I want to move it to an server with doamin www.aaa.com, I rename the localhost.conf.php to www.aaa.com ,and replace all the 'localhost' in the file with 'www.aaa.com' but it still not work on my server www.aaa.com!!! I don't want to install a new revive on my www.aa.com, just want to use the one installed on my localhost machine, how can i accomplish that ? TIA
  3. Hi there, Just want to confirm that if the campaign pricing will affect the Ad Select logic ? let's say we have 2 campaigns with the campaign type of 'Contract', and also they are of the same pricing model 'CPM' , but they have been set to different price : one 100 and the other 200, will the last one with price 200 has more priority than the 100 one in the ad select process? TIA
  4. I found the issue , simply change the DB connection parameter from protocol=tcp to protocol=unix
  5. Hi there My revive adserver just went wrong after I switch the Database connection info at /var/localhost.conf.php (target db is a copy of my localhost db, the only different is that they are hosted on 2 different server) config items I changed: 1. host 2. username 3.password I think I must missing some other steps to do... not sure yet . nginx error log as follow: in /Users/richard/www/revive/lib/pear/DB/QueryTool/Query.php on line 299 PHP message: PHP Stack trace: PHP message: PHP 1. {main}() /Users/richard/www/revive/www/admin/index.php:0 PHP message: PHP 2. require_once() /Users/richard/www/revive/www/admin/index.php:17 PHP message: PHP 3. phpAds_Die() /Users/richard/www/revive/www/admin/config.php:39 PHP message: PHP 4. phpAds_PageHeader() /Users/richard/www/revive/www/admin/lib-gui.inc.php:378 PHP message: PHP 5. OA_Admin_UI::getInstance() /Users/richard/www/revive/www/admin/lib-gui.inc.php:154 PHP message: PHP 6. OA_Admin_UI->__construct() /Users/richard/www/revive/lib/OA/Admin/UI.php:96 PHP message: PHP 7. OA_Admin_Template->__construct() /Users/richard/www/revive/lib/OA/Admin/UI.php:78 PHP message: PHP 8. OA_Admin_Template->init() /Users/richard/www/revive/lib/OA/Admin/Template.php:46 PHP message: PHP 9. phpAds_SessionGetToken() /Users/richard/www/revive/lib/OA/Admin/Template.php:123 PHP message: PHP 10. phpAds_SessionDataStore() /Users/richard/www/revive/www/admin/lib-sessions.inc.php:225 PHP message: PHP 11. MAX_Dal_Common->__construct() /Users/richard/www/revive/www/admin/lib-sessions.inc.php:183 PHP message: PHP 12. MAX_Dal_Common->_getQueryTool() /Users/richard/www/revive/lib/max/Dal/Common.php:77 PHP message: PHP 13. DB_QueryTool->__construct() /Users/richard/www/revive/lib/max/Dal/Common.php:157 PHP message: PHP 14. DB_QueryTool_EasyJoin->__construct() /Users/richard/www/revive/lib/pear/DB/QueryTool.php:57 PHP message: PHP 15. DB_QueryTool_Query->__construct() /Users/richard/www/revive/lib/pear/DB/QueryTool/EasyJoin.php:71 PHP message: PHP 16. DB_QueryTool_Query->connect() /Users/richard/www/revive/lib/pear/DB/QueryTool/Query.php:273" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /revive/www/admin/index.php HTTP/1.1"
  6. Hi Revive, Generally we get the JS tag with parameter 'zoneid' like this: <!--/* * * Revive Adserver Asynchronous JS Tag * - Generated with Revive Adserver v4.0.1 * */--> <ins data-revive-zoneid="1" data-revive-id="53126d71827fcba70ff68055b9a73ca1"></ins> <script async src="//localhost/revive/www/delivery/asyncjs.php"></script> above code will call revive server to get a banner for zone with zoneid=1 ------------ but I've checked the code on Github, there're still possibility that the browser will send campaignid : $row = _adSelectDirect($what, $campaignid, $context, $source, $richmedia, $remaining == ''); so my question are : 1. how does the _adSelectDirect() method work? 2. how to config the revive adserver UI so that I can get the JS Tag that with campaignid parameter( will call the direct Ad select method) ? Thanks
  7. Hi Revive, Currently seems all Invocation Tags are cookie-related, cookie are used for holding the cap info on clients( any other usage?). is there a way to get rid of cookie on ad delivery ( api delivery for example)? is the cookie-free delivery in the TODO feature list of revive ? TIA
  8. Hi Revive, I just created 3 campaigns of different types: 1. Remnant 2. Contract 3. Override but when I goes to the table rv_campaigns, the column 'type' are all with value "0" ? is it a bug .... ? or I looking for the wrong table/column ? TIA
  9. I guess it's Ad Control Limitations .... am I correct ? TIA
  10. hi there, I notice that there are 4 different kinds of 'account' in revive: 1. account 2.agency 3.user 4.client can anybody kindly help to explain them (the difference and the relationship)? as far as i am aware, the client is the advertiser
  11. hi @andrewatfornax Thanks for clarify, so what u mean is that the server-to-server Ad call API at https://docs.openx.com/Content/developers/ad_request_api/adtagguide_getstart_servertoserver.html is docs for openx platform but not for openx Source, right? and since revive adserver is the successor of openxSource but not successor of openx platform, so revive adserver/openx source hasn't (and hasn't ever) been the so-called s2s API for delivering the Ads?
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