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Bernard O

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Everything posted by Bernard O

  1. If anyone wants to know the solution for this: 1) Terminate SSL on the ELB and route to port 80 2) Force SSL in the UI Config: admin/account-settings-user-interface.php
  2. Hi I'm trying to get our ad server to respond on https://mydomain.com/admin... and also serve ads on https We have the adserver on an EC2 instance behind an AWS load balancer. The ELB has the certificate on it. We normally terminate the ssl on the load balancer and route the https to port 80 on the server behind the load balancer. Has anyone done this with the Revive server? The current adserver config has https://mydomain.com/images for example for the imagesSLL is the same as the images entry : [webpath] admin="mydomain.com/admin" delivery="mydomain.com/delivery" deliverySSL="mydomain.com/delivery" images="mydomain.com/images" imagesSSL="mydomain.com/images" Do I need to change anything? I couldn't find anything about enabling ssl in the online docs? Thanks Bernard
  3. Hi Thanks for the feedback. My [store] section looks like this: [store] mode=0 webDir="/opt/revive-images" ftpHost= ftpPath= ftpUsername= ftpPassword= ftpPassive= My [webpath] section looks like this: [webpath] admin="mydomain.com/admin" delivery="mydomain.com/delivery" deliverySSL="mydomain.com/delivery" images="mydomain.com/images" imagesSSL="mydomain.com/images" My webserver config looks like this: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName mydomain.com DocumentRoot /opt/revive-adserver-4.0.1/www <Directory /opt/revive-adserver-4.0.1> Require all granted </Directory> ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/mydomain.com_error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/mydomain.com.log combined </VirtualHost> The folder structure on disk looks like this: /opt/revive-adserver-4.0.1 /opt/revive-images So to me it all looks correct :(
  4. I started doing the upgrade to v4 and as part of the pre-config, I wanted to move the images to a separate folder. Revive is installed in /opt/revive-current The images were at /opt/revive/current/www/images I copied them all to /opt/revive-images and gave them all 777 permissions. I changed the .conf file in 2 places: 1) under [webpath] images="mysite.com/images" imagesSSL="mysite.com/image" 2) under [store] webDir="/opt/revive-images" I rebooted the server and now I can't see the image in the Admin UI when I click on Banners and then click on a banner. It just shows the empty block. The url its trying to get it from is: http://mysite.com/www.images/blah.png Its also not available at http://mysite.com/images/blah.png Anyone know what is wrong? I'm still on v3
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