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Posts posted by andrewatfornax

  1. for now Revive generates the statistics once per hour. Is there a way to have this done twice per hour or even every 15 minutes?


    Yes, but don't. There are a number of serious consequences from doing that, and generally, you probably don't want them. (I will write that up one day in the documentation!)

    So how do I setup scheduled maintenance?



  2. On 4/8/2014 at 5:07 PM, maryisdead said:

    From my understanding I thought remnants are there to hop in as a fallback when all other contract campaigns in that zone have reached their limits or simply have expired.


    Correct - also, remnant campaigns are there so that every possible impression has something delivered and logged, because Revive Adserver doesn't log "blank" impressions.

    EDIT: Revive Adserver now DOES count blank impressions, so this will have improved things as well!

    Sometimes, Revive Adserver can take a while (e.g. a couple of weeks) to learn how much inventory you have; but if you have wildly changing inventory, it may not do a great job (i.e. predicting the future is hard). So, it does its best, but it won't ever be perfect.

  3. If "www.example.com" if your "primary" domain, your config file "www.example.com.conf.php" should be the one with all the details in it.


    However, there should also be one called "default.comf.php" that has contents something like:

    ;<?php exit; ?>

    Do you have one of these?

  4. Okay, now we're down to checking your web server log, unfortunately. Use something like Firebug to track the execution of banner invocation and see that there are calls being made to Revive Adserver to log the banner delivery. Try calling the URL manually, and watch your web server logs to see if it tells you anything. You may need to increase the logging level in your webserver and/or PHP.

  5. I think ultimately, it would be great if Revive Adserver can have support for letting website owners & advertisers to effectively self-service (including important features like moderation of new campaigns, banners & built in payment processing) -- but that is a massive job, and is at best a long term aspiration for Revive Adserver right at the current time. 


    It's certainly something I will keep in mind, though.

  6. Your database contains an old OpenX configuration table: xxxx_preferences. If you are trying to upgrade this database, please copy your existing configuration file into the var folder of this install. If you wish to proceed with a fresh installation, please either choose a new Table Prefix or a new Database.


    I already copied the config file to var folder and made the necessary changes.. still keep getting the same error.


    Either you've made a mistake, and haven't copied the correct configuration file(s) over to the correct location, or your web server cannot read the configuration file(s) in the new location. Check that they really are there, and the permissions are correct.

  7. I'm the first to admit that Revive Adserver is not perfect here (and would love to have the time to completely re-think this problem!). However, one often overlooked issue with delivering contract campaigns where there is "enough" inventory is the effect that campaign and/or banner capping or delivery limitations has on the "available" inventory.


    Do you have any of these limitations set up?

  8. Yes, it should still be possible. However, hardware has moved on a lot since then, and I'm honestly not sure that this is the best way to do it. You would need to have a really, really, really massive installation to actually need this.


    Better would be to scale out your solution with multiple delivery servers, but stick with a single database.

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