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Everything posted by ivordurham

  1. Upon completion of an upgrade from 2.8.7 to 3.0.2 it reported a couple of errors about function OX_Plugin_UpgradeComponentGroup::_logError() missing on line 229 of lib/OX/Plugin/UpgradeComponentGroup.php. This is in function _putDataObjects. Elsewhere in UpgradeComponentGroup.php there are references to $this->oLogger->logError(...). So should the uses of $this->_logError(...) in _putDataObjects actually be $this->oLogger->logError(...) instead or am I missing something? Assuming I can work around this problem, can I "re-do" the plugin upgrades to get the actual messages it was trying to log without having to completely re-do the upgrade? (I'm effectively a newbie with upgrades; I installed OpenX once several years ago and hadn't tried an upgrade until today.) Thanks in advance.
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