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  1. Hello All, In a separate thread (which received no responses) I detailed a specific issue I'm having with installation. Essentially, no matter what I do, only two tables will be written to the MySQL database for Revive Adserver and I get a simple error message telling me "Installation failed to create the core tables." I've, frankly, given up on the installer script. Does anyone know of a workaround to somehow manually "install" the tables in the database without using the script installer? Any tips would be welcome. Maybe some kind of MySQL dump from another server, etc? Just looking for tips. Been pulling my hair out for a week over this. Thanks!
  2. Hi All, Doing a fresh install of Revive on a Ubuntu server hosted by DigitalOcean. All goes well until the installation script connects to the database. After I input the name/user name/password of the database I created and click the submit button, the following error appears: Installation failed to create the core tables It does not elaborate from there. Now, Revive HAS connected to the DB, because two tables (the same two every time) get written – rv_database_action and rv_upgrade_action. No other tables are created in the database by Revive. Revive has full access to the database, so it's not a permissions issue. I'm simply stumped at this point.
  3. Hello, Was hoping someone could be of assistance. I just switched our two websites to Revive and am having an issue implementing Single Page Call invocation in a zone that consists of four banners (they are 300x250 banners down the right rail of the page). Specifically, even though I check both the "Don't show the banner again on the same page" and "Don't show a banner from the same campaign again on the same page" options, the four invocations in that particular zone show the same banner each time. Specifically, when the page is loaded on the site, four instances of the same banner will run, the next time the page is reloaded it will be a different banner, but it will be shown four times, and so on. This is only happening with Single Page Call. When I use the regular asynchronous code, the banners and campaigns are not repeated. For information purposes: Header script: <!-- Generated by Revive Adserver v3.2.4 --> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://ad.shorebeat.com/www/delivery/spcjs.php?id=1&amp;block=1&amp;blockcampaign=1&amp;target=_blank'></script> Zone invocation code (appears four times so four banners can display in the zone at once): <script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA[ /* [id2] Right Rail - General */ OA_show(2); // ]]> --></script><noscript><a target='_blank' href='http://ad.shorebeat.com/www/delivery/ck.php?n=6a37d86'><img border='0' alt='' src='http://ad.shorebeat.com/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=2&amp;n=6a37d86' /></a></noscript> Thank you in advance for anyone who can help!
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