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About megetron

megetron's Achievements


Newbie (1/5)



  1. hi all, now that I have my own ad server running, I would like to add the ability to allow other 3rd party publishers to publish my advertisers on their own websites. to make this happen I would need few things to happen: A publisher sign in to revive, logs in with his limit privileges, and able to get a link to the advertiser media (e.g. banners/texts)revive will know who is the affiliate that made the actions (CPC, CPM...) and will display statistics for the specific affiliate on his dashboard Since I am newbie in revive, I am asking you oldies to give me some ideas of how implementing such... Thanks in advance.
  2. figured it out and make my development environment, this page helped alot: https://mallinson.ca/osx-web-development/
  3. I get the same error for chrome, even that my cookies are enabled... my suspicious is that it related to incorrect port redirect...but didnt figure it out yet..
  4. hi guys, just completed fork revive project to my local mac machine, can you please share how to create a development environment with php & a database and all other relevant tools? couldn't find such tutorial on revival forums/documentations. Thanks.
  5. Hi there, What will be best way to develop in revive at my own git repository but still being up to date with revive core? I am thinking of mirror the revive source and change push URL to my repository... But then, if I will edit some revive core files how will I merge it when revive changes the core again?
  6. hi, is there any plugin to make revival acts like affiliate network system? (for example http://www.affiliaxe.com/)
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