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Everything posted by haychart

  1. Thanks for this - i have been emailing Madhu with regard this I think it is an error on my template forcing it full width - i tweaked the css a bit and all is fine now thanks for your help
  2. Thanks for that but that just explains what i know - 1 ad per zone - but i have 18 ads and 18 zones but only 3-5 loaded I think i have sorted this anyway - i noticed that the ads in 1, 15, 18 where all Override campaigns - The rest where contract when i changed the rest to override they worked fine 1 question i have asked on another thread but have not got an answer is - we have 8 zones together on top of each other - is there a way to get a zone to have a 5px margin below each zone automaticaly?
  3. Hi We have 16 adverts spread between 20 zones on a mailchimp newsletter i send a couple of copies to myself as a check 1 version had adverts 1, 5, 15, 18 another had 1, 10, 12, 15, 18 another had none at all and if i click and view in the browser i get 1, 15, 18 Is there a reason they are not loading up this is the View online version - https://us4.campaign-archive.com/?e=546531c6d1&u=1f2a96d7db8c97c5b9eb64fd3&id=5408f30b1f sample code below as they are all the same - newsletter 1 is zoneid 9 - then newsletter 2 is zoneid 30 all the way to Newsletter 20 Zoneid 48 <!-- Newsletter 10 --> <a href="https://www.blmgroup.co.uk/adsystem/www/delivery/ck.php?zoneid=38" target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.blmgroup.co.uk/adsystem/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=38&amp;cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE" /></a> <!-- Newsletter 11 --> <a href="https://www.blmgroup.co.uk/adsystem/www/delivery/ck.php?zoneid=39" target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.blmgroup.co.uk/adsystem/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=39&amp;cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE" /></a> <!-- Newsletter 12 --> <a href="https://www.blmgroup.co.uk/adsystem/www/delivery/ck.php?zoneid=40" target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.blmgroup.co.uk/adsystem/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=40&amp;cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE" /></a>
  4. screen shot below I have a Sibebar that is 300px width I am placing an ad in the space that is 160px width The zone width is 160 px width The ad size is 160px width even added it to the code to make sure used both asynchronous and Javascript to see if that helped but the ad appears as 300 width Any ideas?
  5. Database connection error. A fatal error occurred Revive Adserver can't connect to the database. Because of this it isn't possible to use the administrator interface. The delivery of banners might also be affected. Possible reasons for the problem are: <ul> <li>The database server isn't functioning at the moment</li> <li>The location of the database server has changed</li> <li>The username or password used to contact the database server are not correct</li> <li>PHP has not loaded the MySQL Extension</li> </ul> updated the php to 5.6 overnight and this morning have this error
  6. found an old htaccess file - seems to be the issue cheers
  7. hi having an issue installing 3.2.4 when i visit mysite/adserver using IE it just says webpage not found in firefox it goes to mysite/adserver/www/admin/index.php but says Requested URL / admin.php was not found on the server i have 3.2.2 installed on another site without any issues
  8. hi we just moved to a wordpress site and it only has one Post template It has a ad section with an option of one Inline Ad - which shows an ad in a post after 3 paragraphs Unfortunately it cannot be categorised so an ad for Finance will also appear in manufacturing, property, general news, sport etc is their a way of getting revive to check the section before displaying an ad cheers
  9. Hi got an email from my host saying something has caused an issue with my database and needs a backup restoring He has just asked me - Can you confirm if the database table: blmforum_ads adsystem_data_summary_ad_hourly - is in use? As it's absolutely huge, which is what is taking the time. - the site is a relatively new site - transferred to wordpress about 5 months ago - and installed revive database seems to be around 8gb just looked at another site which has more ads, more zones and thats only 230mb what is the information in that database - can it be deleted
  10. Hi updated openx 2.8.7 to Revive 3.2.2 - everything seemed to have worked but the ads are not showing up have a look at maintenance and it says You are currently using Revive Adserver v3.2.2 (warning: database is stamped as v2.8.7) im guessing this is the problem - any idea how to update database had a look in the sql file and it has 2 sets of file - ads_ my original set and rv_ the new set - the conf file is reading the ads_ but that is the database that is not up to date
  11. Hi guys website has categories and i have ads relating to each category Changing shortly to wordpress and the template only has 5 ad spaces and displays the same ad doesnt matter what category is their a way on Revive that - IE The header ad on www.site.com/news is advert A and on www.site.co.uk/finance the ad is ad B etc etc etc even tho only 1 place to put code
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