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Everything posted by jnc

  1. Wow, so I had 32 views on this post with no solutions! Anyways, I'm happy I literally stumbled on the solution. I found that the invocation code I was using had "https://" in it when the destination was http://. All I did was to delete the "s" and voila! Please note that it wasn't the https:// in the commented section of the code but within the script body itself. Hope this helps someone.
  2. Please help! Newbie here. I have successfully installed Revive Ad. Created a Advertiser, campaign along with a website and zone. However upon applying it on a wordpress and blogger site, the ad section returned blank. I have updated and put it on a pure html page in a subdirectory of another domain but the html page returns blank with only a <h1>...</h1> section showing. What could I be doing wrong? Can't seem to find anyone experiencing the same in the world!
  3. Please help! Newbie here. I have successfully installed Revive Ad. Created a Advertiser, campaign along with a website and zone. However upon applying it on a wordpress and blogger site, the ad section returned blank. I have updated and put it on a pure html page in a subdirectory of another domain but the html page returns blank with only a <h1>...</h1> section showing. What could I be doing wrong? Can't seem to find anyone experiencing the same in the world!
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