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Everything posted by mkonji

  1. I kept digging and finally found this post, which solved the problem: https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/issues/185 Specifically, I needed to install php-mbstring and then the reporting began to work.
  2. When attempting to generate any of the reports in the standard or admin reports, I receive a 500 internal server error. I've checked apache logs and the debug.log and have found nothing. I tried opening up permissions to 777 and that did not have an impact. What else might be causing this problem? Here is a sample URL: http://myadserver.com/www/admin/report-generate.php?period_preset=last_month&period_start=01+June+2015&period_end=30+June+2015&campaign=29&sheets[daily_breakdown]=1&sheets[ad_breakdown]=1&sheets[zone_breakdown]=1&plugin=reports%3AoxReportsStandard%3AcampaignAnalysisReport I would really appreciate any ideas you could throw my way. Thanks for your help!
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