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Ilya Ber

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Everything posted by Ilya Ber

  1. None of the default options will work for you. You should post the code snippet here, and someone else will be able to help you out.
  2. Best to create separate accounts for every program, this way your metrics will stay separate as well.
  3. If everything was setup correctly you will see it under the Delivery Options tab on the Banner screen.
  4. You dont need to, that's already included in your Revive install.
  5. It's very simple, just follow these instructions: http://forum.openx.org/index.php?showtopic=503436461
  6. Sure, it works with MaxMind: http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/geolite/
  7. Vous ne savez pas comment générer le code ou lorsque d'y entrer?
  8. Rackspace and Liquidweb provide decent cloud infrastructure with load balancers. It's easy to attach ad server nodes on demand. Your high CPU usage is a completely separate issue though.
  9. You can link both image and headline using the legacy Direct Selection method like so: <a href='http://bestadserver.com/www/delivery/ck.php?bannerid={bannerid}' target='_blank'><h3>{headline}</h3></a> <a href='http://bestadserver.com/www/delivery/ck.php?bannerid={bannerid}' target='_blank'><img src="{yourimage}"/></a> And you can even add a pixel into the body of the article to track opens/views. <img src='http://bestadserver.com/www/delivery/avw.php?bannerid={bannerid}&amp;cb={random_number}' border='0' alt='' />
  10. You can use the legacy Direct Selection method to either call your banners individually, or place them within a single campaign and call that campaigns instead. More on Direct Selection: http://blackriver.to/2014/01/openx-source-revive-adserver-direct-selection/
  11. Third Party Clicks Tags: http://blackriver.to/2014/01/openx-source-revive-adserver-party-click-tracking/ Click URL and other macros: http://blackriver.to/2014/01/openx-source-revive-adserver-magic-macros/
  12. Have you also inserted a random number as the cache buster (cb) parameter? If not, your image is likely to be cached.
  13. Have you tried looking inside your web server's error logs?
  14. Revive Adserver is a fork of OpenX Source. OpenX Source is no longer developed. Essentially, for your purposes, they are the same. Switch over now and never look back!
  15. You can set it to any value (in seconds), it's located on Configuration Panel -> Banner Delivery Settings. You can also find the same value in the Revive config file.
  16. Indeed, many users implement htaccess password protection on the Revive admin folder.
  17. You are probably better off implementing this functionality on your site, outside of the Revive Adserver, and then simply pulling the specific banners using Direct Selection method.
  18. You can maybe make an ajax call directly to the banner click url?
  19. I would suggest using the awesome Zone Chaining feature. Basically, you can chain a backup zone to your main zone, and if there are not banners available for display in the main zone then banners from the backup zone will show up. You can do that on your zone editing screen like this:
  20. You can start by using the default Revive Adserver functionality - Banner Delivery Options (one of the tabs on the banner editing screen). There, you will be able to pick the Site - Variable option and then enter your variable name and value. Something like this: After that is done, you can include that variable inside the zone invocation code: ... document.write("&amp;gender=<?=$yourGenderVariable; ?>"); ...
  21. Including a link to your site would help us determine the issue.
  22. Publishers are really for your own classification only. You can use a zone invocation code created for any given publisher on any website.
  23. Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking to achieve, but you should probably take look at the Expandable Banners tutorial: http://blackriver.to/2014/01/openx-source-revive-adserver-expandable-banners/
  24. IIRC, your default banner cache setting is 20 minutes, you can either set it to something less for testing purposes, or you can simple empty the openx/var/cache and it will regenerate on the next banner load.
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