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Everything posted by milapgajjar

  1. Adding to the issue above, we have debugged the adcode and seems like if we comment out setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain); in /ads/www/delivery/alocal.php, at line no. 427. everything works perfectly,in IE. function MAX_cookieClientCookieSet($name, $value, $expire, $path = '/', $domain = null) { if (isset($GLOBALS['_OA']['invocationType']) && $GLOBALS['_OA']['invocationType'] == 'xmlrpc') { if (!isset($GLOBALS['_OA']['COOKIE']['XMLRPC_CACHE'])) { $GLOBALS['_OA']['COOKIE']['XMLRPC_CACHE'] = array(); } $GLOBALS['_OA']['COOKIE']['XMLRPC_CACHE'][$name] = array($value, $expire); } else { @setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain); //if we comment this then the page renders perfectly in IE } } being a core file we are not sure weather to make any change to this file or not, Any Help would be greately appreciated. NOTE: the current code i.e [without commenting the setcoockie, page is working fine in FF, Chrome but not in IE]
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