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About Torquedrive

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. Thanks Erik, My server does meet the requirements. The problem was with the php.ini file. I loaded a php.ini file from a joomla install, I think, and changed one maybe two settings and I got it to work. My issue now is, is this file secure enough for a production environment. I am not a php programmer. my next noob question is, is there anywhere I can get this file reviewed to check if it is secure enough to use. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And thanks for the quick response. I really appreciate it.
  2. I keep getting this error when I install Revive Adserver. It also says: Detected problem: The PHP "memory_limit" value is set to less than the required minimum of 128MB, but because the built in PHP function "ini_set" has been disabled, the memory limit cannot be automatically increased. How do I fix this? or Can it be fixed? Does this even work?
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