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Everything posted by mateomiguel

  1. Revive ad server can't be run from behind varnish. You will have to configure varnish to ignore the subdirectory that you put revive ad server in. Do this by adding the revive ad server subdirectory to the list of directories to ignore in varnish's config, default.vcl, like this example: if (req.url ~ "^.*/revive-ads/.*$") return (pass);
  2. Revive ad server can't be run from behind varnish. You will have to configure varnish to ignore the subdirectory that you put revive ad server in. Do this by adding the revive ad server subdirectory to the list of directories to ignore in varnish's config, default.vcl, like this example: if (req.url ~ "^.*/revive-ads/.*$") return (pass);
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