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About mech422

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. Aaannndd.... Now it just magically started working?!?! I cleared var_cache and var_templates - wonder if thats what did it ?
  2. Hi! We're unable to get 'plain text' (just a plain link) ads working on osx and ios devices with Safari. Oddly, enough it works fine with Safari on Windows and image banners work fine on ios/osx. I'm assuming this is due to the windows version being version 5 and osx/ios being 6+ ? We're running revive version 3.0.2 - but a quick look at the patch notes doesn't seem to turn up anything related being fixed in later releases? Has anyone else seen/resolved this issue? Its breaking adserving for us on iphones, ipads, and macs! Thanks!
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